Center of the Lively Little Seed

Angelina Li
Watercolour on paper

Grade 9, St. John's-Kilmarnock School

Initially from an image of a microscopic seed, my artwork shows a seed which symbolizes the process of life and death. The original image that looked lifeless was changed. From my perspective, a new lens, I created an artwork that looks full of life. I looked at Friedensreich Hundertwasser's artworks and used a lot of elements and principles of design, similar to his. We are making expectations into reality. We are doing this with advanced technology. For instance, we are developing microscopes that can sharpen the focus on smaller things. In this case, a seed. Everyday, we see changes in our lives; development for the vaccines to fight COVID-19 for example. We are adapting to a new reality and we need to see this reality through a new lens.