
Kirsten Hoekstra
Watercolour on watercolour paper

Grade 12, St. Mary's High School

"With this drawing I have "reworked" the idea of the turtle as simply a representation of an animal with a shell on its back. Instead, I have shown the symbolic representation of the turtle. In Native culture, the turtle is sacred as a symbol of Mother Earth. The turtle lives, grows and cares for all that it carries on its back, good or bad. 

"The colour green within the painting symbolizes nature and freshness. In comparison to the repetition of green are red tones which can be used to symbolize danger and blood. The presentation of these contrasting elements looks at ideas of cause and effect. The turtle's shells contain creations that endanger the natural environment of turtles. 

"We, as humans, are part of the life of the turtle. Our culture and civilization must grow and live in harmony with the turtle. This is represented in the images of human creations carried on the back of the turtle. As the earth turns, so humanity and our creations turn with it."