Wait for the Wheel
26 October, 2022 - 16 April 2023
William (Bill) Acres, Jack Bechtel, Salvador Dalí, Michael Falk, Michael Flomen, Sara Graham, Basia Irland, Otto Rogers, C.V. Stübbe-Teglbjaerg, Takao Tanabe, Dondi White and York Wilson
Curated by Jennifer Bullock
In Greek and Roman mythology, the goddess Tyche, or Fortuna, is the fickle mistress of our destinies. Sometimes she helps you win and sometimes she lets you lose. In The Consolation of Philosophy (524 CE), perhaps the last great work of Classical literature, the 6th century Roman senator, consul and philosopher Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius illustrated the goddess’ inconstancy through the metaphor of Fortuna’s wheel.
This imagery persisted from Classical antiquity through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance. People imagined themselves as passengers on this metaphorical wheel of misfortune and advantage. Works in the exhibition explore this concept of fate’s constant turning. If events follow an eternal cycle–an ending always followed by a beginning–one may trust that destruction will be followed by renewal; despair must give way to hope. One need only wait for the wheel.
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Michael Falk (Israeli, b. Germany 1929). Chad Gadya V: Angel of Death and the Holy One (detail), 2004. Oil on wood panel, 70 x 60 cm. Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Collection: Donated by Alan Tanenbaum. From the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Collection of International Naïve Art, 2019. © Michael Falk. Used by permission. Photo: Robert McNair.