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The Gallery accepts legacy gifts to help sustain its excellent level of programming and exhibitions. Legacy gifts are a means of contributing to the Gallery, with the donor benefiting financially during their lifetime. Legacy gifts provide donors with the following benefits:

  • The opportunity to contribute to a cause during their lifetime while seeing the results of their generosity in action
  • Charitable tax credits can be maximized to reduce final income taxes
  • Donations of shares of Canadian cultural property, listed appreciated securities, or annuities may provide donors with additional tax benefits during their lifetime
  • Donors could be eligible for immediate charitable tax receipts or reduced taxes on their estate
  • By contributing to the Gallery today, donors can continue to enjoy KWAG's activities and personally share the results of their generosity with others.

The Gallery can accept support in many forms:

  • Cash gifts either in a lump sum or over a defined period of time
  • Bequest in a Will
  • Specific Bequest or Legacy
  • Residual Legacy or Bequest
  • All of the Residue
  • A Gift of Real Estate
  • A Specific Bequest or Gift of an Item of Property
  • Investments such as RRSPs, securities, or shares
  • A gift through a life insurance policy
  • Gifts in memory of a loved one

For additional information on any of these options, you may arrange a personal appointment with our Development Coordinator, Cera Frederiksen, by emailing or calling 519-579-5860 x 221.